Cheesy Chicken Rice Bowl

استخدام Muy Fresco® Cheddar Cheese Sauce


  • 6 oz

    Rice (cooked)

  • 4 oz

    Chicken breast meat (cooked)

  • 1 oz

    Black beans

  • 1 oz

    Edamame (shelled)

  • 2 oz

    Broccoli (florets)

  • 2 oz

    Cauliflower (florets)

  • 4 oz

    Muy Fresco® Cheddar Cheese Sauce

  • Scallion rings for garnish

طريقة التحضير

  1. Heat chicken and rice in a sauté pan. Add Muy Fresco® Cheddar Cheese Sauce and bring to a simmer.

  2. Transfer to a serving bowl. Heat vegetables & beans and add to bowl.

  3. Garnish with scallion rings and serve.

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هل تحتاج إلى مساعدة في إيجاد الحل المناسب؟